Akina, an Uruguayan-Brazilian sportswear company faced a challenge: how to transition from an online catalog to a brand with a unique and inclusive voice. We worked on its business strategy, brand architecture, and its foundations. Then transformed its visual identity and speech. Akina became a dynamic and inspirational brand experience. An invitation for all women who want to express their individuality, the beauty of their unique and diverse bodies, and to exercise the real power of a full life.
A journey from just a sportswear product catalog to an inclusive activewear and athleisure brand.
New website, and social media relaunch: August, 2021.
This is one of the most important cable TV companies in Uruguay and they needed to announce the transmission of the Rugby World Championship. We created this press ad that won a bronze award in the New York Festival and was shortlisted in Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
Copy: "Rugby World Championship. See it up close".
Mastra is the first craft beer of Uruguay. But after 7 years of existence it was still a small artisanal brewery struggling to get noticed. Brand architecture, a new social media strategy and a brand image redesign helped Mastra to connect with its Millennial target audience as it had never done it before. In just one year, Mastra established a franchise of craft beer bars in Uruguay and started exporting to different countries in South America.
COPY: "Changing the world, one beer at a time".
COPY: "Crafted with pride in Uruguay, a small country with big ideals".
A graphic novel, a custom car, and even a Super Bowl TV spot. These were some of the pieces of an integrated campaign created to showcase Lexus high performance line and launch the new LS model in partnership with Marvel Studios and its film Black Panther.
Lexus is more than exceptional engineering, state of the art technology, outstanding craftsmanship, and performance. Lexus is about enjoying unique experiences in life, like the ones this 60 seconds LUV TV commercial shows.
The new S10 4X4 was about to be introduced in the Uruguayan and Argentinean market and the client wanted to create some anticipation in the press about this event. We portrayed the S10 4x4 in this ad as a vehicle without limits on all type of extreme terrains.
In a remote location in Uruguay, we find the Rocha lagoon. Declared world biosphere reserve by UNESCO. Infinite wetlands with ocean coasts. Home of more than 200 species of birds. 25,000 hectares of protected area, with only four park rangers. Poachers, alien species are some of the threats this place faces with few resources to fight them back. Oceanids, a Maritime Heritage Management organization, in partnership with the UK Embassy in Uruguay, was looking for a solution. We offered a gamified approach. The lagoon watcher game. Park rangers are trained to operate drones with video cameras and monitor in a few hours the whole area. The only thing we ask them is to invite young people from low-income urban areas to help with the task. Every weekend, they play and compete to spot the threats while experiencing the intersection of technology, nature, and the magic of taking care of the environment.
Launch: July, 2021
We won the bid of the Rocha Municipality to reposition its seasides and communicate its main attractions for families. We developed the strategy and crafted the creativity of a digital and social media campaign, as well as an attractive and effective presentation. Everything was based on the tourism of experiences and the creative concept of “Connect with your nature”, in a pristine place of outstanding and relaxing beauty. This appealed to the internal journey of transformation that a person experiences while visiting a place and having meaningful adventures and emotions. The insight, the nostalgic and romantic desire of coming back to those days, those family holidays when we were kids. This is the call to adventure in a four-episode web series campaign, that the elderly leading character answers after finding an old map. A special kind of map, with markings made by his late wife on each of the places they wanted to visit again as a family. Somehow, he manages to convince his grown-up daughter and son, and they embark on a road trip to Rocha, following the markings on the map. In this way, they experience their old memories and create new ones, through a journey that showcases the most beautiful scenery Rocha has to offer, in a special family time.
A beautiful project, in which we also had the pleasure of writing and directing its four web series episodes.
This TV spot for ESPN announced that the 50th Super Bowl would be held in San Francisco. For the first time it was geared in Spanish to the Hispanic market in the US and Mexico, and reminded them about the everlasting emotional experience of this event.
Before the OUT100 announcement of the 2017 honorees, Lexus wanted to celebrate all the achievements of the LGBTQ community, but just with a print ad. Our answer was a simple and inspirational message.
This press campaign was developed to reposition Buquebus as a travel agency, beyond its well-known Ferry service between Argentina and Uruguay.
The goal was to show the brand as the option for the most memorable travel.
PARIS: "Someday I will take a picture here". "Someday has arrived". "The trip of your life".
BS. AS.: "Sept. 1980, I dedicate this picture to my son". "Feb. 2007, I dedicate this picture to my dad". "The trip of your life".
ROME: "The day we made our first promise 10/18/82". "The day we made it come true 10/18/2007".
Bracafé is Nestlé's main coffee product in Uruguay, associated with family. This commercial had the goal of expanding the target audience, saying that this was a product to be enjoyed by anyone at any time and place that feels like family. The only requirement was to prepare it with love.
COPY: "Some mothers could be 8 years old. There are sisters that don’t have the same mother or father. It's hard to believe, but there’s fathers that after working a entire life, become sons. And families that know each other just from a couple of years ago. It doesn’t matter who prepares it, what matters is the love you put into it. Bracafé, the family coffee".
Coca Cola changed its claim to "Take what's good". So we created a billboard where someone was putting in practice the new claim. The idea was shortlisted at El Ojo de Iberoamérica and won outdoor Grand Prix at the Uruguayan national advertising Festival, Las Campanas de Oro.
COPY: "Take what's good".
The pick up S10 was seen as an urban vehicle by the Uruguayan target audience. Half of the market, the people living in the rural areas, didn't consider the S10 as a rural-duty vehicle. Using fantastic folk stories from the Uruguayan countryside, a press campaign was created to communicate the extraordinary rural essence of this vehicle.
COPY: "You can see extraordinary things in the countryside."
The TV show 1 Minute to Win, where participants compete doing hilarious home and personal care tasks, was about to be launched at MundoFOX. This first spot showcased the talent selected for the first episode as they rehearsed in their homes and workplaces.
COPY: "We are ready". "Minuto para ganar".
1500 shipwrecks lay along the Uruguayan coasts. Some of them were key players in world history. The preservation of the archeological sites faces the impact of environmental change, potential looting, and the effect of an alien species of snail that eats the mussels that used to cover and protect the shipwrecks. This also affects the local fisheries. We imagined a way of preserving all this maritime heritage, supporting blue economy activities, and initiating a cultural shift in the country's consciousness of the real value and role of the ocean. We created Oceanids, an Maritime Heritage Management organization, to preserve and tell the stories hidden under the waters, through a multidisciplinary team. Then we created the brand and its website, which attracted maritime archaeologists, lawyers specialized in the law of the sea, filmmakers, journalists, all united under their passion for the ocean. Its first project, the HMS Agamemnon. Admiral Nelson’s favorite warship, one of the only survivors of the Trafalgar battle. Archaeological surveys, a documentary, a book, an itinerant exhibition, are some of the initiatives that already count with the support of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, the University of Exeter, the Joint Nautical Policy Committee, the Uruguayan British Embassy, among others.
Coca Cola wanted to remind the consumers of just how refreshing their product was. This commercial was targeted to the Bolivian, Paraguayan, Argentinian and Uruguayan audience. The Uruguayan festival Las Campanas de Oro awarded this piece.
COPY: "Refreshing. Very refreshing".
We were tasked with the creation of a TV spot to launch the new Lexus NX 2018. Our target, the Hispanic market. We took into consideration that in the US Hispanics navigate from one world to another, live between opposed and complementary realities, and every day they experience life in a versatile “cross-over” mode. Based on these insights, we created an idea to show that the NX is the perfect versatile vehicle to live a cross-over life, its technology allows to connect with everything, and its turbo engine allows to get away very fast and disconnect from it all.
The D MAX pick up was portrayed in this ad as an irresistible vehicle, with cutting-edge Japanese technology in its Isuzu engine.
COPY: "The art of perfection".
Spanish version.
Spanish versions.
February and Valentine's day was the excuse to create a promo that portrays real, unbiased love.
COPY: "Love knows no prejudice, or age, or expiration date. It doesn’t have a favorite color. Or an era. True love has no doubts, shame, fear, it has no time to waste. But it does have a very special month. In February, love is on the front row. In MundoFox".